G.M. Angus

About our herd: 100% back grounded to the Great Schiefelbein Farms of Kimball, MN

Our cow herd is 100% Schiefelbein Genetics. The disposition of our bulls makes them easier to sell!

GM Angus Bulls 2012

Cowboy Formula

Increase in pounds per calf from a top performance bull_

X No. Of cows bred to him per year

X No. Of years to keep the bull

X Expected-selling prices of calves


Additional dollars you can pay for a better bull

Example: A bull that will add 30 lbs. To the weaning weight of each of his calves mated to 25 cows per year for 4 years and you sell the calves for $1.00 per pound.

30 x 25 = 750 x $1.00 =

This bull is worth $3000 more than the average bull that will keep your weaning weight the same. Use this formula and put your own figures in and see what you can afford to pay. This equation does not consider the increase in value due to calving ease, higher quality replacement heifers, yearling growth, feedlot gain and improved carcass quality.

Minnesota Directory

What does EPDs mean?

  • Expected Progeny Difference (EPD): Is the prediction of how progeny of each animal are expected to perform relative to the progeny of other animals in the Angus breed. As data continues to accumulate, accuracy levels rise and EPDS can shift accordingly.
  • Birth Weight EPD (BW): Expressed in pounds, is a predictor of transmitting ability for birth weight. The Angus breed is noted for calving-ease. A bull with a Birth Weight EPD under +3.0 is generally regarded as suitable for mating with virgin heifers.
  • Weaning Weight EPD (WW): Expressed in pounds, is a predictor of the transmitting ability for weaning weight. An emphasized trait when marketing calves at weaning. For example, you can expect progeny from a sire with a +60 weaning EPD to weigh 3 lbs. more at weaning on the average than progeny from a sire with a weaning EPD of +30.
  • Yearling Weight EPD (YW): Expressed in pounds, is a predictor of transmitting ablility for weining weight. An emphasized trait for yearling feedlot performance and profitablility.
  • Scrotal Circumference EPD (SC): Is a predictor of transmiting ability for scrotal size. An indicator of fertility in both bulls and females.
  • Maternal Milk EPD (MILK): Is a predictor of transmiting ability of the portion of calf weaning weight attributed to daughters' milk. An indicator of replacement female production level.
  • Carcass Weight EPD (CW): Is a predictor of transmitting ability for hot carcass weight.
  • Marbling EPD (MARB): Is a predictor of transmitting ability for intramuscular fat. The majority of straight Angus cattle will grade USDA Choice or higher under normal feedlot management.
  • Ribeye Area EPD (REA): Is a predicator of transmitting ability for ribeye area. Muscle is a key component of yield grade.
  • Fat Thickness EPD (FAT): Is a predictor of transmiting ability for external fat thickness and correlates to fleshing ability.
  • Weaning Ratio (WR): Is a direct comparison of an individual to others in its contemporary group. A weaning ratio of 100 is always average for the group and a figure below or above 100 is percent differences that the animal is above or below the average.